Elephant Jungle Paradise Park
A sanctuary for elephants

Chiang Mai, Thailand
Continuing and reviving a family tradition, Kinny, the current coordinator of the Elephant Jungle Paradise Park, is the first of his generation to own an elephant sanctuary, and is unceasingly dedicated to the cause of providing ongoing care to rescued elephants. Educated at the prestigious Chiang Mai University, Kinny first worked with numerous NGOs to help preserve the local forests. He then began volunteering with nearby elephant hospitals, before training as a Mahout, which is the term for a person who works with and looks after elephants. Mahouts often form lifelong and unbreakable bonds with the animals in their care.
After gaining extensive experience and knowledge of every aspect of ethical elephant ownership, Kinny realised that the best way to care for the elephants he loved would be to open his own sanctuary, where he could treat them with the respect and kindness they deserve and provide them with appropriate medical treatment. Soon after, he opened the Elephant Jungle Paradise Park and began the arduous task of rescuing elephants from riding and logging camps, so that they may live a long, happy, and painless life.
Kinny is proud to be a member of the Karen Hill-tribe, a community long associated with the humane treatment of elephants, and who share a sacred bond between man and animal which can only be earned after many generations of mutual love and respect.
For Kinny's resume click here